Videoproduksjon fra messe

Elevate your trade show with professional video content services!

Do you need help creating video content from the trade show?

There’s a lot that needs to be in place to create the best exhibition. It’s easy to forget to document what happens at the trade show or to not fully utilize the vast content potential that surrounds such an event.

By documenting what happens at your trade show booth, you can get more out of your presence, and use the content in further marketing efforts and internally towards employees.

We at NPG would love to assist you!

Live streaming from the trade show

Our skilled video team can be present at the trade show to create exciting content from your exhibition, and they can set up live streaming events from your booth while the trade show is underway. We film, edit, and tailor content based on your needs, and the platforms you want the content to be published on.

Engasjerende messeaktivitet med konferansier og NPG sin kameramann som filmer direkte fra messen.

Experience from well-known media houses

Our photographers, Johan Bull and Sigve Mejdal, have extensive experience in documenting and creating video content from trade shows and events. Both have backgrounds in television and have worked for NRK, TV 2, SVT, and BBC.

Gjør bedre business på VVS-dagene

We would love to hear from you!

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in discussing how you can get more out of your presence at the trade show.

Would you like to talk?

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