Kvinne tar mobilbilde på et event. Green Producers Club

Green Producers Club

Green Producers Club

NPG has joined the Green Producers Club. The Green Producers Club enables the exchange of experience and knowledge among its members within the culture-, event- film industry. 

At NPG we work continuously to develop more sustainable productions and work actively to make our events greener. With Green Producers tool, our clients get the opportunity to map emissions. As a result, they can make strategic moves to ensure a more sustainable execution of their own events.

55% cut in emissions

Green Producers Club in collaboration with the Center for International Climate Research (CICERO), has launched a measuring tool for climate gas emissions, specifically directed towards the culture industry; «Green Producers tool».

The tool is developed in collaboration with Den Norske Opera, Øyafestivalen, Strix, Virke and Innocode, with the intention of mapping and calculating emissions from all aspects of cultural events such as concerts, theatre, film, and festival productions. The tool is used by all actors with productions within film and TV, festivals, and events. The goal is to reduce emissions with 55 % in this sector by 2030.

Sustainable events are becoming increasingly important in our industry. We wish to offer our clients the Green Producers Tool, a cutting-edge, research-based climate tool that both measures and helps reduce emissions.

Charlotte Dyb-Sandnes
Project Manager, NPG Event
Kvinne tar mobilbilde på et event. Green Producers Club

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